My Blog

My Blog
My name is Lylla and I like sports. I am a year 7 at Waikanae school

Thursday, September 7, 2017

My Mum Tori

My mum Tori has dark brown hair as straight as a ruler and longer than the middle of her back.Her eyes are darker than dark chocolate and they never need makeup because she looks pretty anyway.She has light brown skin as smooth as a babies bottom.

My mum is a great chief she can cook lasagna butter chicken cakes and so much more.She is also a sports freak like me we never miss a netball game.My favorite part is that even when she is mad she will still help me with my homework and chores and even if she didn’t help me I’d still love her to death.She also helps out with  the school like Road Patrol school trips and coaches some netball teams.That is my mum and I hope you don't like her as much as me because she's TAKEN !!

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