My Blog

My Blog
My name is Lylla and I like sports. I am a year 7 at Waikanae school

Thursday, September 7, 2017

My Mum Tori

My mum Tori has dark brown hair as straight as a ruler and longer than the middle of her back.Her eyes are darker than dark chocolate and they never need makeup because she looks pretty anyway.She has light brown skin as smooth as a babies bottom.

My mum is a great chief she can cook lasagna butter chicken cakes and so much more.She is also a sports freak like me we never miss a netball game.My favorite part is that even when she is mad she will still help me with my homework and chores and even if she didn’t help me I’d still love her to death.She also helps out with  the school like Road Patrol school trips and coaches some netball teams.That is my mum and I hope you don't like her as much as me because she's TAKEN !!
Good luck to Miller Cory Callum Stase Jade Lylla Jhonny Lucas.  

Sunday, September 3, 2017

My Speech


I’m Lylla and I believe that kids have a right to vote for NZ elections because  there are more than two million kids that cannot vote for NZ.So now try this  I want you to imagine you are  one of those two million  kids, how do you think  those kids feel, I know how I would feel, I’d feel pretty dumb because I would have no understanding of the country that I live in and the president or flag that most of us kids will grow up with  for most of our life.

I also want you to  think about the future of our kids  and the future of our country and besides some adults and parents will be here a lot shorter that a lot of kids in NZ.Just because you're over 18 or at the at the age of 18 does not make you smart.There  could be a 7 year old and a 20 year old the 7 year old could be smarter and that just proves my point.   

Would you believe me if I told you that kids are just as important as adults because kids are important to our world and especially our country as everyone else that lives in NZ.Kids can also make a change in our country, besides adults may be responsible but sometimes kids can make wiser choices than some adults.Also kid are important because they are the next generation of our country.

Plus it is so much better to have kids learn  about voting in elections  now then dumping them  into voting when they're 18 and they have no idea of what is going on around them.In my opinion if the kid at the age of  16 can drive then I'm pretty sure They can vote as well.Any way 40% of adults  in NZ now don’t even use their votes so kids will give it an upgrade.

you might not have a vote now but when you do make sure you make it count !!!!!!

 SICK SENTENCES blue = good   black = bad

The rider griped onto his roaring motor bike and BR MMMMM  off he went as fast as lighting . His ferocious motor bike was   going quickly loudly over the the dirty ground with dust coming from every direction.  He felt as excited as could be with a dash of sacredness.

The rider held on. His bike was going quickly over the ground. It was really dusty. He felt excited and scared.

The boy sacredly reached out his hand with the rusty pitchfork and CHOMP!!! The red bloody meat was gone in a blink of an eye.
The ferocious dragon chomped it down with in one bite it.
       The incredible beast was scaly dry skin and  was green as grass could be,and horn size of goats horns
The boy held out some food. The dragon ate it. He was green and had horns.
Sam grab his mate and tightens his fist as strong as a gorilla .feeling  so scared  with a pinch of excitement.

Sam and the skydivers held on to each other. They were high up. It was scary.